If the volume of the player is low, reduce ambient noises to better be able to hear them.  Additionally selecting a smaller gaming space allows for lower talkers to communicate more effectively with their peers (So long as they don’t have concerns with spatial anxiety.)   If it is a matter of preference, you can offer more opportunities to use actions to describe preferences.  For instance, using Power (Spell) Cards might allow the player to make selections and have that seen visually to compliment their speech. Movement of miniatures, rather than describing travel can do the same. This will reduce some of the anxiety and frustration that might occur from not being heard, or being asked to repeat oneself.  

The primary thing to realize is that a player that is speaking at a volume may be doing so out of a necessity.  Demanding the player speak up, or showing frustration, is definitely not the way to support them.  Be cognizant of their needs, and focus on helping them communicate in as discreet, and comfortable a way as possible.

Primarily for younger players or when volume is a component of awareness: For players with low or high volumes, if the child and their caregiver are comfortable, and if the cause of volume control is due to an awareness issue, you can consider the use of a simple volume chart.  This is a single sheet of paper that indicates volume levels (Whisper, Low, Group, Loud, Shouting), that help child understand where their volume is at.  A discreet tile or dice placed on a level can let the child know either where they are in volume currently.  

We’ve all been in games (sometimes weekly) where we sit down and get immersed into a game so much that 4 hours seems to just fly by.  For some however, the ability to remain seated is difficult.  If the need to rise from ones chair is controllable to a degree, then allow players to stand and walk around during turn orders, only to return when they prefer, or when it is time for them to engage with their group.  Allowing this ability and communicating it’s availability at the outset of your session could alleviate some of the triggers that cause the need to leave to begin with.

Additionally being out of one’s seat may allow for increased opportunity for active roleplay. Just ensure that you create touchstone points, where it is preferred that the player return to the table, even if standing.

Ensure that the environment is clear of tripping hazards, and if the need to remove oneself is due to a condition that requires access to other facilities, ensure that the path to that facility is clear.

Many issues can require that a player be able to leave the table (often unannounced, or with an irregular frequency). 

If the reason for leaving the table is due to a need for certain facilities, ensure that those facilities are accessible.  If the player needs to move to an area that supports their desire for feeling safe (a safe space) try to determine the needs of that environment in advance, and make that environment available.  This could be something as simple as putting a comfortable chair in another room.  If the player is a child, or has a support care giver, the exact requirements may be best determined in a initial Pre-Session Communication meeting.

If leaving the table is frequent, or persistent, and other players are affected by the absence, you can attempt to roll the disappearances into the narrative, so long as the accommodated player allows for it.  

Ex. “As you’re fighting Agent Orangutan, Tom notices scientific personnel outside of the room trying to flee for safety. With a nod to his compatriots, he valiantly leaps through the door to ensure their safety.”
Reduce difficulty for the time within that campaign while the player is gone.  Additionally if the player is amenable to the idea, you could set their character into a somewhat autopilot mode, where other designated players or the GM their self takes control over the heroes actions.

If the player is the sole member of the team, and no other players are impacted, you can feel free to simply pause the game, and utilize the time toward future planning.

Mobility accommodations to and from the gaming table are most often attributed to the use of wheelchairs and other methods of assisted travel.  So in making attempts to accommodate individuals that either use wheelchairs, or that have difficulty traversing over stairs and the like, you may need to investigate the potentials for a specific environment to game in, that more readily meets their needs.

Most often, the player may have a preconceived location in mind that they are comfortable with.  Consider relocating to that comfortable area, or confirm that the location you are playing in is accessible.

If there is no official means to confirm this, then you may have take it upon yourself to determine if the room you are playing in is accessible from the exterior. Are stairs necessary, and if so, is there an available ramp?  Does the entrance door have a restrictive footer?

While many door widths have a measurements of about 23-27 inches, wheelchairs require a 32 inch wide door to allow the person to comfortably fit through.

Additionally within the room, you must determine that a feasible path is available through the location to the seated area.  I’ve seen this a lot in game stores, where access to the gaming tables, requires passage through very narrow pathways created by shelving.  Ensure that a path is clear of tripping/snagging objects, and that there is enough space to either side of the individual so that they can pass through with ease.  Additionally make sure that access to other facilities such as the restrooms also have those considerations in mind.

Ensure that seating arrangements provide additional space to accommodate the individual at the table as well.  This may include something as simple as providing adequate space between chairs, or possibly changing out furniture such as benches.

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